Hameed Abdul Karim
‘The big question is if I live in Gaza would I fire a rocket? – Probably yes’
-David Ward British MP

Going by reports in the western press and listening to Israel’s spin doctors like Mark Regev on BBC and CNN you might get the impression that history of the Middle East conflict began just a few days ago when Hamas fired rockets deep into Israel. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The Palestinian catastrophe began about a hundred years ago when Zionist Jews backed by western powers began to transfer hundreds of thousands of European Jews to Palestine.

At first the Palestinians Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, welcomed their ‘Semitic cousins’ with open arms out of sympathy because they were fleeing the enormous and horrible  butchery committed on them (the Jews) by white European Christians.

Taken for a ride

As time went by the Palestinians realised they were being taken for a ride and their homes and hearths and their very lives were at stake. But it was too late. By that time the Zionist Jews had already entrenched themselves in the land of their ‘cousins’ and were now preparing to drive them (Palestinians) out of the land that had been theirs for centuries. In 1948 the Zionist Jews destroyed hundreds of villages and expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their land and reduced these once proud people to poverty and impoverishment. They packed off the surviving Palestinians to refugee camps in neighbouring countries where, to this day, they wallow in the filth and squalor that such tragedies create.

Today Gaza is referred to as the largest open concentration camp and in this most densely populated area you find refugee camps within refugee camps as Israel’s latest act of genocide shows no sign of let up. Schools, hospitals and United Nations safe havens are bombed relentlessly. As we speak, reports of a deliberate and heinous Israeli attack on a UN ‘school’ camp are making the headlines in non –western news agencies and social media. And yet the absurdly pro west media is complaining about a comment a British MP made saying he would fire rockets into Israel if he were living in Gaza whilst remaining subservient to Israel with muted and slanted comments about the Zionist state’s latest act of horror.  No sign of remorse is ever shown, not even a word of sympathy on the west’s media (excluding Channel 4) for the miserable Palestinians. Imagine the outcry if a rocket fired from Gaza had had the same horrifying result in Israel!

Jewish terrorism

But slaughters such as this latest atrocity is nothing new to the ‘chosen people’, it’s history is soaked in the blood of the Palestinians and goes back to 1948 when the Zionist Jews (I make a distinction between Jews and Zionist Jews because all Jews are not Zionist racists and all Zionist racists are not Jews) had slaughtered thousands of Palestinians in their bid for an exclusive Jewish supremacist state in Palestine on the lines of former apartheid South Africa. The Jewish terror gangs that figured prominently in these genocidal slaughters were the Hagganah, Stern Gang, and Lehi. Together they razed more than 500 villages and expelled 750,000 poor Palestinians from their land in one of the largest ethnic cleansing ‘projects’ ever. This terror is described in minute details by Prof Illan Pappe, himself a Jew, in his ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’.

Deir Yassin comes to mind when the brutality of these terrorist groups are mentioned. In this village alone 280 unarmed men, women and children were lined up against the walls of their humble abodes and shot dead in cold blood for no reason other than being Palestinians. Deir Yassin was a Christian village but no mention of this fact is ever made in the west’s media for obvious reasons. Not even Churches or graveyards were spared. Today the destroyed churches bear mute testimony to that act of horror that forever will haunt the annals of history.

The leader of this extremist Jewish terrorist organisation was none other than Menachem Begin, who later went on to become Prime Minister of Israel and also bagged the Nobel Peace Prize of all things. It was the same Begin that was wanted by the British for bombing the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing over 70 British soldiers. For this act of terrorism the British offered a reward of 35,000 pound sterling for Menachem Begin dead or alive! Of course a few Arabs also died in that attack, but that wouldn’t matter for the likes of Israeli worshipers we see in the media today.  Palestinian lives were cheap then as they are today. Will the Palestinians ever get justice? Unlikely, as long as that great champion of human rights, democracy and death, the United States of America keeps supporting one Israeli act of genocide after another.

Another massacre that comes to mind is the appalling attack on the village of Qibya by Ariel Sharon. In this ‘campaign’ the future Prime Minster of Israel butchered 69 Palestinians, two third of them women and children, as they slept in their homes. Forty five homes, a school and a mosque were destroyed. Even the US state department at that time condemned this act of terror unlike today where we have President Barack Obama (and Prime Minster David Cameron) supporting Israel’s reign of terror in Gaza and the rest of Occupied  Palestine with absolutely no qualms. And we haven’t talked about Shabra and Shatilla yet for which the same Sharon was held responsible.

Divide  and rule

To this day we do not know for sure who was responsible for the deaths of three Israeli youths that supposedly triggered this bout of Israeli brutality.  Maybe it was a rogue operation or maybe it were Israelis, after all. Who knows? One thing is for sure, Israel’s Shin Beth knew for three weeks that the youth were dead, but kept silent so as to give the Israeli authorities and the media sufficient time to create hype and prepare the ground for this latest act of genocide. Benjamin Netanyahu took this opportunity to blame the Hamas-PLO unity deal which he had opposed from the start. It’s the age old imperialist ploy of divide and rule. How dare the Palestinians unite to defend themselves against the aggressor! Maybe the situation was created (certainly it was abused). Again who knows? Only time will tell.

Palestinian lives less valuable

The deaths of the three Israelis became international news within a day or two but the willful murders by the Israelis of over 100 Palestinian teenagers since the beginning of this year alone did not merit a mention even in the corners of inside pages in newspapers anywhere in the world
Islamic Terrorists

It is now common to hear the constant and hackneyed use of the sound bite ‘Islamic Terrorists’ which was created by the west’s think tanks and propagated worldwide by their media like the BBC, CNN, Fox News, Sky News and newspapers like the New York Times, Jerusalem Post, Wall Street Journal among scores of others who are notorious for their shameless slants and support for Israel. It is regrettable that media in other parts of the world use the same sound bite when reporting on the Middle East ‘conflict’.

Christian ‘terrorists’

But here’s news for those who blindly worship Israel. There have been and continue to be Palestinian Christians who have been in the forefront of Palestinian resistance. One such figure was George Habash of the PFLP.
Many are the Palestinian Christians who have taken on the world in defense of their rights. Edward Said that great Palestinian intellectual, Hanan Ashrawi and Rev. Father Elias Chacour come to mind. There are fundamentalist churches (Christian Zionists) who believe it is their duty to support Israel in its bid to purify and cleanse the ‘promised land’ of all Goyim (Gentiles) to prepare the ground  for the return of Jesus Christ (peace be on him). Strangely they don’t see the contradictions in their belief with the teaching of the Messiah whose message was of peace and not genocide. Why is it then that these Christian Zionists   (U.S Vice President Joe ‘I am a Zionist’ Biden is one of them) don’t call their co-religionists in Palestine Christian ‘terrorists’?  After all they are fighting for the same cause as their ‘Islamic terrorists’ brethren!

I have had the pleasure of meeting two representatives of a Palestinian Christian group called ‘KAIROS’ here in Sri Lanka on an invitation by Bishop Duleep Chickera of the Anglican Church. One was Rifat Kasis and the other was Michel (I can’t remember his second name). KAIROS’ mission is to call all Christians all over the world to help fight the Israeli Occupation of Palestine. In its proclamation it calls on all Christians to take note of the Palestinian suffering under the Israeli (Jewish) regime. More than 3000 Palestinian Christians have signed the proclamation. Will Christian Zionists listen to the call of their co-religionists in Palestine? The Presbyterians in the U.S. are listening, will other denominations follow suit?


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